All the high speed dragsters use parachutes to help slow them down at the end. Note how relatively small this parachute is compared to what Funny Cars and Top Fuelers use. It is sized special for the small 550 pound Jet Bike. A large chute would provide too much of a deceleration jerk for the Jet Bike. Bob, who is not strapped in, probably wouldn't even be able to hold on and his mass would go flying right past the handle bars the instant an overly large parachute jerked open.

The Jet Bike Line Show is spectacular at night. Notice how Bob's suit is highlighted by the cameraman's flash. Bob designs all his own racing leathers and loves the reflective "piping" for the seams.

If you come back to this site later there will be many more technical details on the ultra awesome Jet Bike!

to the ultra awesome NEW F-18 Jet Bike!